1 John 4:7-21 – God Is Love – 1110B

Rev. Cyril A. Stevens – Sermon 1110B recorded on August 17, 1986 teaching from 1 John 4:7-21 – God Is Love.

Pastor Cyril A. Stevens explains the biblical concept of love as it is presented in the book of 1 John. He emphasizes that God is love and that true love comes from God. He then delves into the practical implications of this concept, arguing that loving one another is essential to experiencing God’s love and living a life free from fear. Pastor Stevens encourages the listener to understand the importance of forgiveness, both receiving God’s forgiveness and extending it to others, as a key to overcoming the pain and obstacles of the past and living a life of peace and joy. By emphasizing the need to forgive and to live a life of love, Pastor Stevens aims to inspire the listener to experience the abundant life promised by Jesus Christ.