Rev. Cyril A. Stevens – Sermon 0363A recorded on June 7, 1981 teaching from John 8:2-12 – I AM the Light of the World.
Pastor Cyril A. Stevens looks at the biblical story of Jesus encountering a woman caught in adultery, found in John 8:2-12. Stevens illuminates Jesus’s proclamation, “I am the light of the world,” by exploring the profound message of divine illumination amidst human sin and conviction. Pastor Stevens emphasizes the contrasting presence of “incarnate purity” in Jesus and the “convicted impurity” of those who sought to condemn the woman. He then focuses on the key theme of conviction, explaining that to be convicted means to be recognized as a sinner, a criminal in need of judgment. The sermon’s central point is that only Jesus, who is sinless, has the power to deliver us from the guilt and condemnation of sin. Stevens concludes by urging listeners to recognize our own sinfulness and to seek the forgiveness and illumination offered by Christ.