Rev. Cyril A. Stevens – Sermon 1085A recorded on May 11, 1986 teaching from Mark 1:29-34 – The Time Has Come. |
Pastor Stevens explores the meaning of Jesus’s proclamation, “The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news” (Mark 1:15). “The time” is the arrival of God’s grace and the fulfillment of His promise to reveal His love through Jesus. This love, written on the “fleshly tablets of our heart,” represents the nearness of God’s kingdom, a spiritual reality not bound by earthly divisions. Pastor Stevens emphasizes that entering this kingdom requires conversion, a transformation from a life of self-reliance to one submitted to God’s power. Finally, Pastor Stevens highlights the “good news” of the gospel: a life free from fear and striving, found in the embrace of Jesus.